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Southern Georgia. Last updated: 5/4/2006

Above and below four: A Northern Mockingbird employs his creative hunting technique: running across the ground, scaring up insects for dinner. Jekkyl Island, Georgia (5/2/2006).

"Mockingbirds are the true artists of the bird kingdom. Which is to say, although they're born with a song of their own, an innate riff that happens to be one of the most versatile of all ornithological expressions, mockingbirds aren't content to merely play the hand that is dealt them. Like all artists, they are out to rearrange reality." - Tom Robbins

Above and below: Adult Brown Thrasher and fledged young (bottom left above, and below). Jekkyl Island, Georgia (5/2/2006).

Below: Green Anole in southern Georgia (5/1/2006).

Below four: A recently-hatched Killdeer on Jekkyl Island, Georgia (5/2/2006).

Below: Little Wood-Satyr near Fort McAllister in southern Georgia (5/1/2006).

Below: A male Painted Bunting near Fort McAllister in southern Georgia (5/1/2006).

Below: A Royal Tern on Tybee Island, Georgia (5/1/2006).

Below: A Sandwich Tern on Tybee Island, Georgia (5/1/2006).

Below: A Black Skimmer on Tybee Island, Georgia (5/1/2006).

Below: Pileated Woodpecker in southeastern Georgia (5/4/2006).

Below: Gray Catbird in southeastern Georgia (5/4/2006).

Featured Conservation Project: The Junín Grebe

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