New Additions
May and June in Maryland. Last updated: 6/7/2013.
Above: A Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth in Pasadena, Maryland (6/5/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Taedia species in Pasadena, Maryland (6/5/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Lesser Maple Spanworm in Pasadena, Maryland (6/5/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Grapevine Beetle in Pasadena, Maryland (6/5/2013). A large, distinctive visitor to lights in early summer. Grapevine specialist with a two-year life cycle. (View MBP)
Above: Yellow Salsify blooming at Fort Smallwood Park, Maryland (5/26/2013). Note that the sepals are much longer than the flower petals. (View MBP)
Above: A Clemen's Bark Moth in Pasadena, Maryland (6/1/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Melanotus species in Pasadena, Maryland (6/1/2013). According to BugGuide, there are more than 50 species north of Mexico and they are very difficult to ID to species from photographs. (View MBP)
Above: An Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth in Pasadena, Maryland (6/1/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Bidens Borer Moth in Pasadena, Maryland (6/1/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Sober Renia Moth in Pasadena, Maryland (6/1/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Suzuki's Promalactis Moth in Pasadena, Maryland (6/1/2013). According to, "Introduced with records from Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Appears to be expanding south to at least Georgia." (View MBP)
Above: Micromus posticus in Pasadena, Maryland (5/21/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Ostrich Fern details in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Wild Yam leaves in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Common Greenbrier blooming in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Wineberry in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Smokey-eyed Boulder Lichen in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). Identified by Richard Orr. (View MBP)
Above: Leaves of Yellow Lady's Slipper past blooming in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/31/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Rattlesnake Fern in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/31/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Pearly Wood-nymph Moth in Pasadena, Maryland (5/29/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Smilia camelus in Pasadena, Maryland (5/29/2013). Although in general the markings of this species and similar S. fasciata seem quite different, crest shape is more important. Per Dr. Andy Hamilton on BugGuide: "the crest is vertical in front in this species [S. camelus], and slopes back in the more southerly S. fasciata." (View MBP)
Above: Laccaria trullista on Assateague Island, Maryland (11/10/2012). Identified by Lance Biechele. Lance notes the following, "always associated with sandy soils and common here on the Delmarva." (View MBP)
Above: False Earthstar on Assateague Island, Maryland (2/9/2013). Identified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)
Above: Black Dancer along the Susquehanna River in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Leaves and fruit of White Ash in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). Note white underside of leaves and fruit with wings not extending around the seeds. Very similar to Green Ash. (View MBP)
Above: Chocolate Vine in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). Chocolate Vine was introduced from eastern Asia and is considered a threat to native plants. (View MBP)
Above: Showy Orchis slightly past in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Rattlesnake Fern in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Broad Beechfern in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Trunk of an Umbrella Tree in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Black Maple leaves in Susquehanna SP, Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Trunk of a Black Maple tree in Susquehanna SP, Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Silver Maple leaves in the Susquehanna River, Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Pleurocolla compressa in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). Identified by Lance Biechele. Lance notes the following: "This is an interesting Fungus Imperfecti that forms small 'whitish' cushions on dead hardwood. There is no sexual stage, but the fungus can easily be determined under a scope by its distinctive conidia. Some authors place this species in the Family Nectriaceae." (View MBP)
Above: Hypoxylon fragiforme in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Ceramic Parchment (Xylobolus frustulatus) at Susquehanna SP, Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). Verified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)
Above: A Zebra Caddisfly found along the Susquehanna River in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Japanese Barberry in Harford Co., Maryland (5/30/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Kenilworth Ivy blooming along the Susquehanna River in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Wild Ginger in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Violet Woodsorrel in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Northern Map Turtle habitat along the Susquehanna River along the Harford/Cecil Co. line in Maryland (5/25/2013). We were able to scope four large adults basking on a rock on this date. Towson researchers have already found young of the year. (View MBP)
Above: Marginal Woodfern in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Alternate-leaved Dogwood in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A blooming Umbrella Tree in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Umbrella Tree in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Wild Ginger flower in Harford Co., Maryland (5/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Sundial Lupine blooming in Worcester Co., Maryland (5/10/2011). (View MBP)
Above: Sundial Lupine blooming in Worcester Co., Maryland (5/1/2010). (View MBP)
Above: Hedge False Bindweed blooming at Fort Smallwood, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/24/2013). Flowers can be white or pink. (View MBP)
Above: A Long-necked Seed Bug in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/21/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Ocellate Gall Midge galls on Red Maple in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Wolf's Milk (Lycogala epidendrum) in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Verified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)