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October in Southern California - Page 7. Last updated: 1/21/2012.

Above and below: Snowy Plovers in Malibu, California (10/10/2011).

Below: A Pinyon Jay in Riverside Co., California (10/10/2011). These were my first Pinyon Jays, and finding them on the last day of our trip was a major highlight.

Below: A juvenile Greater White-fronted Goose in Malibu, California (10/10/2011).
Note the lack of namesake white front!

Below: A Black-bellied Plover on the shoreline at Malibu, California (10/10/2011).

Below: Adult and juvenile American Coots in Malibu, California (10/10/2011).

Below: Dunlin at Malibu, California (10/10/2011).

Below: A White-faced Ibis at Malibu Lagoon, California (10/10/2011).

Below: A Whimbrel at Malibu Lagoon, California (10/10/2011).

Below: A White-headed Woodpecker passes overhead in the hills in Riverside Co., California (10/10/2011).

Below: A Mountain Chickadee in Riverside Co., California (10/10/2011).

Below: A Snowy Egret at Malibu Lagoon, California (10/10/2011).

Below: A Western Gray Squirrel in Riverside Co., California (10/10/2011).

Below: OK... more Snowy Plovers! It's very hard to stop photographing them!

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