New Additions
Maine in July. Last updated: 7/24/2013.
Above: A White Admiral at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Northern Leopard Frog near Lincoln, Maine (7/6/2013).
Below: Quiz photo. Think about it until you get to the bottom of the page.
Below: Northern White Cedar at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Spreading Dogbane blooming at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Black Spruce at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Belted Whiteface at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: American Larch at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Quick. three. beers. An Olive-sided Flycatcher sings from atop a tall snag at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Black Crowberry on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).
Below: A Brush-tipped Emerald at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Racket-tailed Emerald at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Pink-edged Sulfur at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Rhododendron groenlandicum on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).
Below: Canada Lettuce at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Northern Crescent at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A European Skipper in Lee, Maine (7/6/2013).
Below: A Long Dash at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Alsike Clover blooming at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Mountain Maple at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Yellow Spring Bedstraw at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Gray Birch was one of the most common tree species at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Chalk-fronted Corporal at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Marsh Bluet at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Western Oakfern at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: My favorite mycological sighting at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Sulfur Cinquefoil blooming at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A female Common Baskettail at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Twin-spotted Spiketail at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Southern Pygmy Clubtail at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: An Eastern Garter Snake (maritime ssp.) at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Rose Pogonia blooming at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: Awesome! A spider web strategically placed at the mouth of a pitcher plant! Guess what you get if you make it in! Photographed at 1000 Acre Heath, Maine (7/7/2013).
Below: A Goldenrod Crab Spider (Misumena vatia) on Orange Hawkweed at Baxter State Park, Maine (7/9/2013). Thanks to Joe Lapp for verifying the identification.
Below: A juvenile Common Goldeneye at Baxter State Park, Maine (7/9/2013).
A few odds and ends
Below: An Ailanthus Webworm Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/30/2013).
Below: A Margined Leatherwing in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/30/2013).
Below: An Oriental Beetle in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/22/2013).
Below: Ophiderma pubescens in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/30/2013).