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September in Maryland. Last updated: 9/19/2009.

Above and below: Cape May Warblers in Prince George's Co., Maryland (9/19/2009). The male above is stunning, but these drab females might sneak around in the late fall Myrtle flocks on Assateague.

Below: Another one for the undertail collection - male Cape May Warbler.

Sighting of the day! A Ground Skink in Prince George's Co. found by Hans Holbrook - our first!

Below: A Black-and-white Warbler in P.G. Co., Maryland (9/19/2009).

Below: A male Black-throated Blue Warbler in P.G. Co., Maryland (9/19/2009).

Below: Another Black-and-white Warbler in P.G. Co., Maryland (9/19/2009).

Below: A Magnolia Warbler at Governor Bridge Natural Area, P.G. Co., Maryland (9/19/2009).

Below: One of two Snow Geese that summered at Adkins Pond, Wicomico Co., Maryland (9/19/2009).

Below: A Black Swallowtail in Somerset Co., Maryland (9/13/2009).

Below: A Green Treefrog in Somerset Co., Maryland (9/19/2009).

Below: An Ovenbird poses for portraits at Governor Bridge Natural Area, P.G. Co., Maryland (9/19/2009).

Below: A robberfly species in Prince George's Co., Maryland (9/19/2009). Steve Collins, are you out there?
An answer already - a female Red-footed Cannibalfly (Promachus rufipes). Thanks, Steve!

Below: An Eastern Wood-Pewee chooses its next victim in Somerset Co., Maryland (9/13/2009).

Below: A Northern Parula in P.G. Co., Maryland (9/19/2009).

Below three: Saltmarsh Sparrows in Somerset Co., Maryland (9/13/2009). These individuals appeared to be enjoying the first rays of morning light and sat up completely unprompted for several minutes.

Below: An adult Sora spotted by Mike Walsh at Deal Island, Somerset Co., Maryland (9/13/2009).

And after a full day, Big Lens and I get some shut eye. Alarm is set for 3:45.
(Photo by my cousin, Joe Tito)

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