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Pennsylvania and Maryland. Last updated: 3/5/2006

Above and below two: Red-shouldered Hawk near Loch Raven Reservoir, Baltimore Co., Maryland (3/5/2006).

Below: Yawning Ring-billed Gull at Loch Raven Reservoir, Baltimore Co., Maryland (3/5/2006).

Below: Partially leucistic Canada Goose in northwestern Harford Co., Maryland (3/5/2006).

Below: Northern Mockingbird in Baltimore Co., Maryland (3/5/2006).

Below: Northern Saw-whet Owl in Maryland (3/4/2006).

Below: Harris's Sparrow near Mifflintown, Pennsylvania (3/4/2006).

Featured Conservation Project: The Junín Grebe

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Comments:  Signs of spring abounded this weekend! Today my girlfriend Becky and I noticed blooming Forsythia and snowdrop, as well as sprouting daffodils, crocus, and what appeared to be Grape Hyacinth. Robins are on the move, and there was a great deal of bird song today: Northern Cardinal, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Song Sparrow, Carolina Wren, and American Robin. Yesterday, my friends Jim and Martin and I saw at least 8 Woodchucks out and about in Pennsylvania.

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