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October in Maryland. Last updated: 10/14/2012.
Above and below: An incredibly tame (and obviously hungry) migrant Brown Creeper allows an unusual photo shoot as it forages on a fenceline at Bayside Point on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/13/2012).
Below: I love the the complex feather details.
Below: A beautiful, much hoped-for vagrant Long-tailed Skipper on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/13/2012). This species is a rare, late season wanderer from the South. A great spot by Jim Brighton.
Below: American Coppers were present in nice numbers in the dune habitat on Assateague Island on 10/13/2012.
Below: Agapostemon splendens on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/13/2012).
Below: Climbing Hempvine on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/13/2012).
Below: Late-flowering Thoroughwort on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/13/2012).
Below: A Hairy-necked Tiger Beetle on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/13/2012).
Below: Leiobunum uxorium on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/13/2012). Read more about Harvestmen (Daddy Longlegs) in today's Maryland Biodiversity Facebook post
Below: Wild Yam in Dorchester Co., Maryland (9/2/2012).
Below: Common Wormwood, or Mugwort, in Prince George's Co., Maryland (10/8/2012). Non-native.
Below: A Smeared Dagger Moth caterpillar in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (10/8/2012).
Below: White Snakeroot at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (10/7/2012).
Below: A Vagabond Crambus Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/28/2012).
Below: A Spotted Cucumber Beetle in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/28/2012).
Below: Spotted Cucumber Beetles on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/13/2012).
Below: A Wavy-lined Emerald in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/28/2012).
Below: A Silktree just after dawn at Governor Bridge Natural Area, Maryland (9/25/2012).
Below: A False Black Widow in my yard in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/16/2012).
Below: A Northern House Mosquito in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/12/2012).
Below: A Garden Tortrix Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/12/2012).
Below: A Black Rat Snake at Davidsonville Park, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/15/2012).
Below: Devil's Walkingstick fruit in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/15/2012).
Below: A close-up of the invasive Beefsteak Plant, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/15/2012).
Below: An Ailanthus Webworm Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/15/2012).
Below: Virginia Creeper berries in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/13/2012).
Below: Downy Lobelia in Worcester Co., Maryland (9/2/2012).
Below: Salicornia on Assateague Island, Maryland (9/9/2012).
Below: A Gray Lawn Leafhopper in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/7/2012).
Below: OK, if you insist... more Brown Creeper photos!