New Additions
Mid-December in Maryland. Last updated: 12/19/2011.
Above and below: A Black-headed Grosbeak in Denton, Caroline Co., Maryland (12/21/2011). Found by local homeowner Bill Miller on the recent Christmas Bird Count, this will become Maryland's fifth accepted record (and first accepted since 1969!). It is also the first for the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Fantastic! Thanks to Bill Miller, his family, and the neighborhood for the hospitality.
Below: A cooperative Black-headed Gull in Baltimore Co., Maryland (12/18/2011). A nice find by Russ Ruffing and welcome motivation for us all to keep checking the Ring-billed Gull flocks at our local parking lots.
Below: A Barred Owl at Point Lookout SP, Maryland (12/10/2011).
Below: Ring-billed Gulls accompanying the Black-headed Gull in Baltimore Co., Maryland (12/18/2011).
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Below: A Sika Deer (Elk) on Taylor's Island, Maryland (12/17/2011).