New Additions
Maryland Biodiversity Project. Last updated: 06/05/2017.
Below: Narrow-leaved Cow-wheat in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Whorled Yellow Loosestrife blooming in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Virile Crayfish in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/4/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Four-lined Cabera Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/2/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Humans enjoying biodiversity in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/4/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Sweet Cherry in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/4/2017). (View MBP)
Below: White Sweetclover just starting to bloom in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/3/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Synchroa punctata in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/1/2017). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A male Leiobunum verrucosum in Howard Co., Maryland (5/31/2017). Determined by Jeffrey W. Shultz/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A member of the Melanotus communis complex in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/1/2017). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Field Garlic in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/31/2017). (View MBP)
Below: White Clover blooming in Howard Co., Maryland (5/31/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Yellow Salsify (leaves and stem) in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Broad Beechfern in Howard Co., Maryland (5/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A female Laphria flavicollis in Howard Co., Maryland (5/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Starflower blooming in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). Flower surrounded by a spider web. (View MBP)
Below: Tree Ear in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/24/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Yellow Lady's Slipper in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/24/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Wild Comfrey (stem and leaves) in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/24/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Periodical Cicada species in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Philoscia muscorum in Baltimore City, Maryland (5/14/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Selenophorus opalinus in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). Determined by Peter W. Messer/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Selenophorus opalinus in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). Determined by Peter W. Messer/BugGuide and confirmed during specimen examination by Curt Harden. (View MBP)
Below: A Sialis species in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Sialis species in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Least Bittern in Somerset Co., Maryland (5/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Emerald Ash Borer collected at the Glen Artney area of Patapsco Valley SP in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Red Spruce (with singing male Purple Finch) in a bog in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A White-faced Ibis in Somerset Co., Maryland (5/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A White-faced Ibis in Somerset Co., Maryland (5/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Wild Onion blooming in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Wild Onion in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Larger Elm Leaf Beetle in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Phytomyza opacae mines on American Holly in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (1/6/2017). Determined by Charley Eiseman/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Greater Celandine in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Common Scouring Rush in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: True Forget-me-not in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: True Forget-me-not in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Redosier Dogwood blooming in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Redosier Dogwood in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Canadian Lousewort in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Quaking Aspen in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Grass-like Starwort in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Apheloria virginiensis in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). First MBP record for Garrett County. (View MBP)
Below: Hairy Sedge in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Green Treefrog in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (5/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A female Tipula longiventris in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Campsomeris plumipes in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/16/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Pigweed Flea Beetle in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/16/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A male Esteemed Lady Beetle in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by James Bailey. (View MBP)
Below: A male Esteemed Lady Beetle in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by James Bailey. (View MBP)
Below: A Bold Jumper in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/16/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Slender Yellow Woodsorrel in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/15/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Hilara species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/14/2017). Identified to genus by John F. Carr/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Yellow Buckeye in Baltimore City, Maryland (5/14/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Dicaelus species in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). Verified to genus by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Colonus sylvanus in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/10/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Labyrinth Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/4/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A female Prionocyphon discoideus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/6/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Pterostichus permundus collected in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/6/2017). Determined by Curt Harden via specimen examination. (View MBP)
Below: A Pterostichus permundus collected in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/6/2017). Determined by Curt Harden via specimen examination. (View MBP)
Below: A Bold Jumper in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Ophyiulus pilosus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2017). Verified by Jeff Brown/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An Ophyiulus pilosus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2017). Verified by Jeff Brown/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Carolina Chickadee nest with one egg and three recently hatched young at Fort Smallwood in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/7/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Black Skimmers at Fort Smallwood Park in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/7/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Black Skimmer at Fort Smallwood Park in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/7/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Spring Avens in Howard Co., Maryland (5/7/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Ocellate Gall Midge in Howard Co., Maryland (5/7/2017). (View MBP)
Below: American Beech in Howard Co., Maryland (5/7/2017). (View MBP)
Below: False Solomon's-seal in Howard Co., Maryland (5/7/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Multiflora Rose in Howard Co., Maryland (5/7/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Trachelipus rathkii in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). Determined by Scott Loarie/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Emerald Ash Borer damage at Downs Park in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/6/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Arrow-leaved Violet (leaves) in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Ataenius species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Lyrate Rockcress in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Moss Phlox in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Young Blackjack Oak leaves in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Nipponoserica peregrina in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Nipponoserica peregrina in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Nipponoserica peregrina in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Euonymous Defoliator Moth caterpillar in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/1/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Aeolus mellillus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Oak Twig Pruner in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Anomala binotata in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A female Spring Fishfly in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Bicolored Pyrausta Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Green Mantisfly preying on a midge in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Stenolophus lineola in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A White-crossed Seed Bug in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Southeastern Field Cricket in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/20/2017). Verified by Brandon Woo via recording of singing male at same site. (View MBP)
Below: Monomorium emarginatum in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). Found on Common Vetch and measured less than 2 mm. Identified by James C. Trager/BugGuide, who notes that although the photo cannot be identified beyond genus, M. minimum does not occur east of the Appalachians. (View MBP)
Below: Norway Maple in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/24/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Lewiston Cornsalad in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Lewiston Cornsalad (fruit) in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Lewiston Cornsalad (close-up of fruit) in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Emerald Ash Borer damage at Patuxent Research Refuge (North Tract) in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Common Fleabane (stem and clasping leaves) in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Snowberry Clearwing visiting blooming Ground Ivy in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Woodland Stonecrop in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Bare-stemmed Teesdalia (basal leaves) in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Parrot Feather Watermilfoil in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Virginia Plantain in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Field Clover in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/22/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Black-smudged Chionodes Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Tinea apicimaculella in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Euonymous Defoliator Moth larva in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2017). Identified by John and Jane Balaban via BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Chaoborus punctipennis in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). Determined by John F. Carr/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Garden Webworm Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Common Snipe Fly in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). Verified by John S. Ascher/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An Ophion species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Nephrotoma ferruginea in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Common Vetch in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Swamp Loosestrife in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: American Sycamore in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/21/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Virginia Wood Cockroach in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/13/2017). Verified by Alan Jeon/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Blapstinus fortis in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/18/2017). Determined by Warren Steiner. (View MBP)
Below: A Blapstinus fortis in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/18/2017). Determined by Warren Steiner. (View MBP)
Below: A Blapstinus fortis in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/18/2017). Determined by Warren Steiner. (View MBP)
Below: A Formica subsericea in Howard Co., Maryland (4/18/2017). Determined by James C. Trager/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Formica subsericea in Howard Co., Maryland (4/18/2017). Determined by James C. Trager/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Formica subsericea in Howard Co., Maryland (4/18/2017). Determined by James C. Trager/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Netted Chainfern emerging in Howard Co., Maryland (4/18/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Chinese Wisteria climbing a Tree of Heaven in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/18/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Yellow Archangel blooming in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Platydracus violaceus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/13/2017). Verified by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Basal leaves of Round-leaved Ragwort in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Red Carpenter Ant in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/11/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Red Carpenter Ant in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/11/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A field of blooming Small Bluets in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/11/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Young Tulip Poplar leaves in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/11/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Catnip in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Smoky-eyed Boulder Lichen in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Wallrue in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Wallrue in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Smooth Rockcress in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Walking Fern in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Round-lobed Hepatica in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Emerald Ash Borer damage on an ash tree at Snyder's Landing in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). Damage is so extensive that nearly all of the visible bark is removed. (View MBP)
Below: Two-leaved Miterwort in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Shootingstar in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Dwarf Larkspur (leaves) in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Red Trillium in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Squirrel Corn in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Twinleaf in fruit in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Twinleaf in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Tree of Heaven in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Emerald Ash Borer damage at Round Top State Natural Heritage Park in Washington Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Early Meadow-rue in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Allegheny Stonecrop in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Bristly Greenbrier in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: American Witch-hazel in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Long-spurred Violet in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Hypoxylon Canker of Oak in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Azure Bluets in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Canadian Lousewort in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Fragrant Sumac in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Early Saxifrage emerging in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Lyrate Rockcress (emerging basal leaves) in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Dutchman's Breeches in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Pennsylvania Sedge in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). Determined by Jim Brighton. (View MBP)
Below: Shalebarren Pussytoes in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Round-lobed Hepatica in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Shagbark Hickory in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern White Pine in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Hackberry Petiole Gall Psyllid in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Starch Grape Hyacinth blooming in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Common Duckmeat in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Common Duckmeat in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). Note reddish purple underside with many roots. (View MBP)
Below: Clasp-leaved Pennycress in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Emerald Ash Borer damage at Spring Gap in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Violet Tooth (with Fairy Pins) in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Honeylocust in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: White Trout Lily (leaf) in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: White Trout Lily in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/8/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Flat Jumper in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A late instar nymph Northern Green-striped Grasshopper in Baltimore Co., Maryland (4/3/2017). Determined by Brandon Woo. (View MBP)
Below: A Trichotichnus autumnalis in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/2/2017). Determined by Curt Harden/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Cyclodinus californicus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/2/2017). Determined by V. Belov and Donald S. Chandler via BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An Osprey being harassed by a Bald Eagle at Fort Smallwood Park, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/2/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Virginia Pennywort blooming in Baltimore Co., Maryland (4/3/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Small Milkweed Bug (left) emerging among many Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/2/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Sticky Chickweed blooming in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by Wayne Longbottom. Note dense concentration of flowers among other characteristics. (View MBP)
Below: An American Cockroach in Baltimore City, Maryland (3/28/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Anisodactylus sanctaecrucis in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Anisodactylus sanctaecrucis in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An Unequal Cellophane Bee in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (3/27/2017). Determined by John S. Ascher/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Xysticus species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (3/27/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Phyllocnistis insignis leaf mines on Woolly Ragwort in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by Terry Harrison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: White-tinged Sedge (emmonsii) in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by Jim Brighton. (View MBP)
Below: A Ribbed Pine Borer in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Verified by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Ribbed Pine Borer in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Verified by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Ribbed Pine Borer in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Verified by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Sundial Lupine emerging in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Common Sweetleaf (trunk) in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/26/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Common Sweetleaf in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/26/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Pricklypear after controlled burn in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/26/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Shortleaf Pine (needles) in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Shortleaf Pine in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Compact Dodder in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: Milk-white Toothed Polypore in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Crossvine leaves with leaf-mines in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/26/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Small Green Wood Orchid (emerging leaves and persisting stalk) in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Dwarf Trillium in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Southern Twayblade in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Southern Twayblade in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Nowellia curvifolia (habitat) in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Nowellia curvifolia in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: Hypoxylon fragiforme in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Marsh Mermaidweed in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: Hairy Cat's-ear in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Verified by Wayne Longbottom. (View MBP)
Below: Dog Fennel (winter aspect) in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Terrestrial Water-starwort in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Determined and collected by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: Woolly Ragwort emerging in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A White Pine Weevil in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A White Pine Weevil (underside) in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A White Pine Weevil in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A White Pine Weevil in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Verified by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Jimsonweed in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: German Knotgrass in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Yellow Thistle in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Virginia Pepperweed in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Identified by Wayne Longbottom. (View MBP)
Below: Spring Vetch in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A nearly mature female field cricket species in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Per Brandon Woo: At this age in Maryland in March, this is either G. veletis or G. rubens. The females are pretty much indistinguishable, even as adults, but males have very different calling songs: veletis chirps, while rubens has a continuous trill. (View MBP)
Below: Poverty Oatgrass in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Mountain Laurel Leaf Spot in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Crested Woodfern in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/25/2017). Identified by Jim Brighton. (View MBP)
Below: A Dolerus species in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/18/2017). Identified to genus by V. Belov and John S. Ascher via BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Weeping Willow blooming (close-up of flowers) in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/18/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Devil's Walkingstick (trunk of large individual) in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/18/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Cedar Apple Rust on Eastern Red Cedar in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/18/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Emerald Ash Borer damage on ash tree along Chesapeake Beach Road at Hall Creek in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/18/2017). First MBP record for Calvert Co. (View MBP)
Below: An adult Bald Eagle over Fort Smallwood Park in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (3/12/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Song Sparrow in the snow in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (3/14/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A female Red-bellied Woodpecker in the snow in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (3/14/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A male Eastern Towhee in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (3/14/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An adult Red-headed Woodpecker in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (3/14/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Trachelipus rathkii in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). Determined by Joshua Campos/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A drake Common Teal in Worcester Co., Maryland (1/24/2010). (View MBP)
Below: Strict Forget-me-not in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (3/6/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Emerald Ash Borer damage in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Violet Tooth (with Fairy Pins) in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Virginia Bluebells emerging in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Northern White Cedars in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Northern White Cedar (trunk) in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: False Turkey Tail in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A large Eastern Cottonwood in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Eastern White Pine in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Eastern White Pine in Washington Co., Maryland (3/5/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Common Rough Woodlouse in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/4/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Common Rough Woodlouse in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/4/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Black Gum in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/4/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Bitter Dock (basal leaves) in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/4/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Young volunteer Kentucky Coffeetree in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/4/2017). Parent trees presumed planted. (View MBP)
Below: An Ophion species on a mild February evening in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/24/2017). Verified by Ross Hill/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Wedgling Moth on a mild February evening in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/24/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A male Banasa dimidiata in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/25/2014). Verified by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Banasa dimidiata in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/25/2014). Verified by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Common Pill Bug in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/20/2017). Determined by Even Dankowicz/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Common Pill Bug in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/20/2017). Determined by Even Dankowicz/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Spring Cankerworm Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: An Amara species in Howard Co., Maryland (2/19/2017). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An Uloma imberbis in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/17/2017). Verified by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An Uloma imberbis in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/17/2017). Verified by V. Belov/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Box Elder sapling in Howard Co., Maryland (2/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Common Polypody in Howard Co., Maryland (2/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Snowdrop blooming in Howard Co., Maryland (2/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Japanese Pachysandra in Howard Co., Maryland (2/19/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Dusky Arion in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/18/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Common Silverfish in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/18/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Northern Catalpa in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (2/18/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Hackberry Petiole Gall Psyllid galls on Common Hackberry in St. Mary's Co., Maryland (2/12/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Mountain Laurel Leaf Spot in St. Mary's Co., Maryland (2/12/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Awesome human Ron Gutberlet on a pelagic trip in Worcester Co., Maryland (8/16/2009). Our dear friend Ron (1966-2015) was an associate professor of biology at Salisbury University known for his expertise in herpetology and ornithology. The lichen Arthonia gutberletiana (Lendemer & Ray, 2017) was named to honor his contributions to Maryland conservation causes. (View MBP)